Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
February 02, 2012, 08:50:07 PM
Last Updated
January 21, 2013, 12:10:15 PM

Additional Instant Messengers v1.0.1

Add additional instant messengers,  Skype and Google Talk to profiles.
Compatible With 2.0.3
Latest version v1.0.1
Downloads 5,400
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 28
License (View License)
Additional Instant Messengers

For suggestions, feedback, and support please use the MOD's support topic.

Current Release:  v1.0.1
QuoteTo upgrade from 1.0 simply upload the 1.0.1 Package and install, no need to uninstall 1.0

Compatible with SMF 2.0 - 2.0.3

This Modification allows members to add both Skype and Google Talk Instant Messenger Icons to their Profiles.

  Google Talk

Previous Skype & Google Talk MODs warning
QuoteIf you previously had another Skype or Google Talk MOD installed, you will need to uninstall before installing this Modification.  In most cases member's info will be ported over to the new MOD after installation.

Admin options to disable, and also chose which appear on Member registration.
Admin > Profile Fields > Standard Profile Fields

Admin options to chose between static skype icon, or skype status icons.
Admin > Theme Settings >
Show static skype icon.
(unchecked will show member skype activity details):

For Skype Status Icon to show properly, users will need to set up their settings on their Skype Profile
In their Skype window they need to click  Skype > Privacy > activate "Allow my status to be shown on the web"
Doing this will allow thir status on skype to be shown on SMF such as Online, Away, Do not Disturb, Offline ect...

No admin settings are required upon installation.  Just install, and members can edit their information.
Profile > Modify Profile > Forum Profile

This Modification is also compatible Default Profiles with Ultimate Profiles! ( Ultimate Profiles MOD is not required for this MOD to be installed)

These Additional IM Icons will appear on the following pages.

-Ultimate Profile
-Display page (mini profiles)
-Personal Messaging (mini profiles)
-Member List
-Who's Online
-Edit Buddies page

This Package ONLY makes edits to the SMF Default Curve theme.  Any other themes will require custom edits to the same files listed for the 'default' theme.

No copyright links are added to any footer pages.

Submitted Language Modifications are appreciated

$txt['gtalk'] = 'Google Talk';
$txt['your_gtalk'] = 'This is your GTalk address.';
$txt['gtalk1'] = 'G-Talk';
$txt['skype'] = 'Skype';
$txt['your_skype'] = 'This is your Skype username.';
$txt['skype_static_image'] = 'Show static skype icon.<br>(unchecked will show member skype activity details)';

Change Log

Added Admin options to chose between static icon or skype status icons.

First Release

This mod is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Manual installation info
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