Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
February 22, 2012, 11:10:48 AM
Last Updated
July 24, 2024, 11:59:30 PM

Remove "Last Edit" v1.2.1 Hooks only

Remove the "Last Edit" from a post with the click of a button.
Compatible With 2.1.4
Latest version v1.2.1
Downloads 2,938
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 25
License GNU General Public License v3.0 (View License)

Free & Premium MODs for SMF

Remove Last Edit
Remove the 'Last Edit' notice from any post.
Developed by Diego Andrés
Original Developer: NanoSector

📦 Installation
It is installed as a traditional SMF MOD for SMF 2.1.x, just grab the latest release of the package and go to: Admin > Main > Package Manager > Add Packages > Package to Upload > Select File > Upload.

You can find detailed instructions and/or more documentation about the process in Package Manager - Installing a Package.

🌐 Localization
Croatian by Branko.
Serbian (CYRILLIC and LATIN) by Branko.
French by alexetgus
Dutch by NanoSector

🔨 Changelog
Review the changes and patches from the different releases/versions of the package in the Changelog
27.31 KB v1.2.1 2.1.4
Manual installation info
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