Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
June 13, 2006, 06:46:34 AM
Last Updated
December 28, 2006, 04:42:50 PM

Show all members topics

This will allow you and your members to view all the topics posted by a certain member
Compatible With 1.1.1
Downloads 33,722
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 4
License (View License)
Show Topics
Name: Show Topics
Date Created: 09 June 2006

This module will allow you to view all of the topics that your members have created. You can do this by clicking the link in the users profile, under Shows Users Posts.

Good luck and enjoy. As this is the first version please report any bugs to me, preferably here. Also I highly recommend you try installing this mod on a backup board first, just to make sure everything is compatable. Oh and yes, I have created an uninstaller with this, ( thanks for the tip winrules ;) )

I hope you all like this package and of course feel free to use it on any of your websites. You can use any of the codes or script nuggets I have made but please let me know before you publish it. There aren't any really strict copyrights on this but please be curtious if you use it and give me a little credit.

09 June 2006 - I added a link to show the topics in the bar at the right. I previously only added a link at the bottom of the profile.
09 June 2006 - There was a problem hen viewing other pages so I fixed that
15 June 2006 - Some undefined constant error was annoying the team so I fixed it
28 December 2006 - Made compatable with SMF 1.1.1

Click here for more information

Thanks :)

4.62 KB
Manual installation info
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