Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
August 20, 2014, 06:59:37 AM
Last Updated
November 21, 2014, 02:12:49 PM

Administration Center Security v1.0

Administration Center Security critical areas are blocked via Settings.php
Compatible With 2.0.9
Latest version v1.0
Downloads 2,133
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 1
License (View License)

Administration Center Security

SMF is great in its flexibility. I couldn't even imagine it without Package Manager, Theme Editor and many other goodies your Administration Center offers.

Unfortunately, if an administrator account is compromised, this automatically means that your forum is in danger as the attacker gets immediate access to your files, database, ...
Since the critical settings are not accessed often, an extra layer of security can be added by explicitly granting access to those areas when they are needed.

After installation, you will find the following line in the end of Settings.php:
$enable_admin_security = false;
In order to activate the MOD's functionality you need to edit the file and set the variable to true. A warning in your Administration Center lets you know it is active.

Should you need to access any of the blocked areas, just edit Settings.php and set the variable to false again. Perform your changes and set it back to true.

     - English


Version 1.00 // 20-08-2014
+ First release

! Minor change or bugfix.
+ Feature addition or improvement.
- Feature or option removal.

Manual installation info
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