Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
February 09, 2015, 02:22:57 AM
Last Updated
September 20, 2015, 02:18:34 AM

Super Simple Thread Tags v1.2

Add tags on a thread [like] [this] on the title.
Compatible With 2.0.9, 2.0.10, 2.0.11
Latest version v1.2
Downloads 2,678
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 11
License (View License)
Allows users to add tags to their topics by just wrapping them in brackets at the title.

Mod's source repo can be found in Gitlab.


  • Allows an easy visual categorization of threads by seeing tags.
  • Tags are coloured automatically based on the contents of the tag.
  • Clicking a tag will show all threads with that tag as long the user can use your forum's search

None required. To disable the tags, the mod must be uninstalled.

Special Information
This mod makes use of CSS3 features, mainly border-radius and rgba colouring.

Special Thanks
I want to thank the ABXD team for their software, where the original tag code came from.
The license for ABXD may be seen here.

Update History
(1.2) 21-Ago-2015 - Add SSI support for tags. I'm so sorry.
(1.1a) 22-Feb-2015 - Fix an error related to guest tag searching.
(1.1) 17-Feb-2015 - Make use of SMF Search as a "tag search" function.
(1.0a) 11-Feb-2015 - Make tags more consistent within all SMF actions.

Update Information
This mod doesn't require to uninstall for upgrading as long you're in the last 3 versions before the latest one. This is to make upgrades easier in my end.

Note: If you have errors upgrading from 1.1a, try uninstalling the mod first, then install 1.2.

This mod is released under the MIT license.
Manual installation info
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