Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
March 29, 2019, 12:31:08 AM
Last Updated
May 14, 2024, 06:42:44 PM

Quick New Topic Button v1.3 Hooks only

Adds a "New Topic" button to the forum's main menu
Compatible With 2.1 RC1, 2.1 RC2, 2.1 RC3, 2.1 RC4, 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4
Latest version v1.3
Downloads 934
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 22
License MIT License (View License)
Quick New Topic Button

A modification for Simple Machines Forum 2.1 that adds a button to the main forum menu to start a new topic.

Clicking the button takes the user straight to the post authoring form. The form will include a select menu where the user must choose a board in which to post the new topic.

There are benefits and drawbacks to installing this button. On the one hand, not forcing users to navigate to a board before they can post makes it easier for inexperienced users to get involved in your community. On the other hand, this also increases the likelihood that users will post a new topic before reading the existing topics in a board. So whether this button is helpful or unhelpful will depend on the nature of your community.

The button is not shown to anyone when you first install the mod. It must be toggled on for specific members or membergroups (see below) before it will appear.


There is one administrator setting, Membergroups that see New Topic button in main menu by default, available in Administration Center ► Features and Options ► Layout. Groups selected in this setting will see the button by default, while unselected groups will not. So if you want to show the button to new members but not to more experienced ones (or vice versa), you can do that here.

Note that the administrator setting merely sets defaults. Individual members can always override these defaults using the Show New Topic button in main menu setting, available in Profile ► Look and Layout.

Also note that the button will never be shown to members who are not allowed to post anywhere in the forum (e.g. banned members).


Quick New Topic Button is released under the MIT License. A full copy of this license is included in the package file.


Version 1.3:
  • Added Turkish translation

Version 1.2:
  • Fixes undefined index error when viewing new member theme options

Version 1.1:
  • Added Latin Spanish translation

Version 1.0:
  • Initial release
5.95 KB v1.3 2.1.4
Manual installation info
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