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Package ID
First Created
November 19, 2023, 02:34:49 PM
Last Updated
December 16, 2023, 01:48:39 PM

Amazon S3 System For Attachments v1.1.1

S3 System for SMF adds Amazon's S3 support for the attachment system SMF for storing and display
Compatible With 2.0.19, 2.1.4
Latest version v1.1.1
Downloads 56
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 0
License MIT License (View License)
S3 System for SMF adds Amazon's S3 support for the attachment system SMF for storing and displaying attachments. Useful for forums with large number of attachments and can save money on hosting/hosting resources by using Amazon's S3
Supports SMF 2.1.x (MySQL), SMF 2.0.x (MySQL)


    Stores your forums attachments on Amazon S3
    Files are stored securely on Amazon S3 with a private ACL
    File links are only valid for one hour via a signed link
    Attachments that are deleted are also deleted on S3 if they are linked
    Sync system to automatically copy existing attachments to your S3 Bucket
    S3 Indicator in attachments section in SMF
    And more!
3.34 MB v1.1.1 2.0.19, 2.0 RC2, 2.0 RC3, 2.0 RC4, 2.0 RC5, 2.1.4, 2.1 Beta 1, 2.1 Beta 2, 2.1 Beta 3, 2.1 RC1, 2.1 RC2, 2.1 RC3, 2.1 RC4
Manual installation info
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