Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
September 02, 2006, 04:42:56 PM
Last Updated
March 02, 2021, 04:16:03 PM

Signature Area BBCode Buttons v2.0.3

Adds bbcode buttons for some of the most commonly used bbcode in signatures.
Compatible With 1.1.17, 1.1.19, 1.1.21, 2.0.3, 2.0.6, 2.0.12, 2.0.13, 2.0.14, 2.0.15, 2.0.18
Latest version v2.0.3
Downloads 11,027
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 38
License (View License)
Signature Area BBCode Buttons

Original Author: karlbenson
SMF Version: 1.1.X and 2.0.X
Mod Version: 2.0.3

Adds a row of buttons of some of the most commonly used bbcode above the edit/add signature box in users profile area.


2.0.3 14 January 2012
-Updated mod for 1.1.17 and Final
-Updated Readme

2.0.2 25 November 2010
-Updated mod for 1.1.12 and RC4
-Updated Readme

2.0.1 March 13 2010
-Fixed an annoying bug:  if you go to forum profile to look at you signature or to modify it
you will not find your signature there.

2.0 March 12 2010
-The mod now loads all the bbc buttons and smilies you have, even the ones that are added by other mods     (only 2.0 RC2 and 2.0 RC3)

1.7 - November 11 2009
-Deleted the option to turn on/off theres no point of having that option
-Deleted the text strings, no loger required
-Added support for 2.0RC2
-Added more bbc buttons

1.6 - August 13 2009
-Take over by 130860.
-Fixed the Undefined offset: error in 2.0
-Added an option to turn on/off the mod
-Added support for 2.0 RC1.2

1.5 - 30th November 2007
-Re-packaged mod
-Improved the readme.

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