Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
May 14, 2007, 04:01:37 PM
Last Updated
May 14, 2007, 04:15:49 PM

Military Assault Weapons - Avatar Pack (125x65) v1.0

Military Assault Weapons - Avatar Pack
Compatible With 1.1.2
Latest version v1.0
Downloads 34,650
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 1
License (View License)
29 High Quality Military Assault Weapon Avatars

Avatar dimensions: 125 x 65 pixels
Color: Black on White: Silhouette
Number: 29 (twenty nine)
File size: 91 KBytes
Format: PNG

Ideal for the military enthusiast and those running First Person Shooter sites/forums.
This avatar pack took a lot of work to put together. I hope you enjoy.
91.22 KB
Manual installation info
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