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Package ID
First Created
September 05, 2007, 01:09:29 PM
Last Updated
November 09, 2009, 04:57:31 AM

Include & Exclude Tags v1.1

Adds two new tags, with the soul purpose of showing and hiding things from specific users and groups
Compatible With 1.1.3, 1.1.10, 2.0 RC2
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 2,472
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 5
License (View License)
Include & Exclude Tag Package v1.1
Adds two new tags, with the soul purpose of showing and hiding things from specific users and groups.
Tag is used as so:
Parameters: g = 1,2 (group ids') and u = 1,2 (user ids')
eg. [include g=1,2 u=1,2,3]Groups 1, 2 and Members 1, 2, 3 are the only ones that can see this[/include]
eg. [exclude g=1,2 u=1,2,3]Groups 1, 2 and Members 1, 2, 3 are the only ones that can't see this[/exclude]

Also, in addition to that, included and excluded content won't show up when quoted regardless of whether they can see it or not as it would require quite a lot of work for me to do as such.  Also, anyone with the permission to modify anyone's posts can view it as well.
Manual installation info
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