Additional Info
Color style
First Created
September 09, 2006, 08:29:18 PM
Last Updated
November 02, 2006, 07:28:46 PM

Serene Forest

A SMF Theme based off of Arcane Magic by Technodragon and BlackDay by Nessian Styles
Compatible With 1.1 RC3
Downloads 6,351
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 0
License (View License)
A SMF Theme based off of Arcane Magic by Technodragon and BlackDay by Nessian Styles......This is a simple theme for those who love fantasy and medieval things, this theme I am discontiuning. And yes I know well I am color blind that is why it does not have green I supose....I will be making much better themes now

This is my first SMF theme!

Comes with Who.Template.php for Whos Online list modified

Tested on SMF 1.1 RC3 and works fine without errors

279.57 KB
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