Additional Info
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Package ID
Shortie:Pixel Perfect v1
First Created
August 27, 2009, 05:33:01 PM
Last Updated
January 02, 2010, 03:55:45 AM

Pixel Perfect

Pixel Perfect
Compatible With 2.0 RC1.2
Downloads 7,211
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 10
License (View License)

Pixel Perfect By Shortie

UPDATE:  Perfect_Pixel_v1e This update incorporates all previous Updates and Patches

Sorry all yet another update this one corrects the issue where if an Admin selects the option not to allow member to change the Theme Variant the size menu was still displayed - with this update if the option is selected then the menu will disappear :D

For those of you who would prefer to just indertake the edits instead of uploading a new version then the following edits will be required - NOTE that if existing members have selected the theme size then it will still be enforced even if the option is unselected to over come this you will need to reinstall the theme - so on to the manual edit




echo ' <div style="position:absolute">';
echo '</div>';

and replace with

if (empty($settings['disable_user_variant']))
echo ' <div style="position:absolute">';
echo '</div>';

Apologies for the delay but took me a little time to fix the syntax


UPDATE:  This update incorporates all previous Updates and Patches

There was an issue with drop down menus being displayed in IE7 under XP and the layout went all over the place in IE7 under XP again this was due to IE Quirks Mode which is the defalut for XP which meant that the IE code was changed to make it compatible ish with HTML standards which it is apparently not

So a few changes have been made to Index.Template.php and the style sheets to rectify this issue

The code will also re validate which has meant that the fix has taken longer than expected - but these thing are sent to try us

So from now on you can add IE7 under XP to the compatibility list  :D

Enjoy Shortie

P.S. if you just want to upload just the changed files then download the correct zipfile and upload all four files to your server - please backup your files first


Theme has been re uploaded to remove an error causing a large amount of errors in the log file

A Modern 3 Sized theme suitable for the majority of screen resolutions, based on the "Pixel" theme for Joomla and Wordpress

XHTML Valid which has been designed to load quickly with the minimal amount of screen clutter.

This Theme has been fully tested in the following Browsers  - IE 8 and 7 - Firefox 3.5 - Opera 9.64 - Safari  4.0 (530.17)



Check out the rest of our Themes at Graphics Mayhem
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