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First Created
December 05, 2009, 02:18:14 AM
Last Updated
December 24, 2012, 04:45:24 AM

Curve Mobile

A mobile version of Curve
Compatible With 2.0 RC2
Downloads 9,628
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 29
License (View License)
I have discontinued development and support of this theme a while back, and instead released a much better mobile theme on sale called SMF4Mobile. I encourage you to try SMF4Mobile if you're looking for a mobile theme
Curve Mobile Version 1.0

For SMF 2.0 RC2

This is my own adaptation of Curve, a stripped down version of it intended to be used on low resolution screens such as that of the mobiles(I'm talking about PDA/Smart phone grade phones here).

Curve Mobile Mod Version 1.0 (
This is a mod for SMF to be installed via package manager. It adds mobile detection which will switch to this theme if a mobile browser is mod. Installing this mod is recommended

Changelog :
Version 1.0
- Initial release

Version 1.1
- Added more mobile's support

Version 1.1.1
- (hopefully) Fixed nokia's S60-S90 smartphone's compatibility.


  • A Stripped down version of Curve. It has only the basics, multiple features have been removed/simplified.
  • Currently it modifies Index, BoardIndex, Display, Search, Post, MessageIndexGenericMenu, Profile, PersonalMessage, SplitTopics, MoveTopicm, Recent, Register and Login. No mods are guaranteed to work(And I seriously recommend youdon't try to get them to as well :P ).
  • Intended to work on low-resolution screens which can properly renderJS/CSS/HTML(Such as HTC Smart phones or iPhone/iPod Touch/Androidphones etc).
  • Designed with a width of 320px at mind but it is fluid, itwill work on full-scale resolutions.
  • Follows Curve's color scheme and design but has much less curves
  • No modifications to the sources
  • Contains basic Post template as well, with the ability to post replies/newtopics as well as polls. It also contains Quick Reply. Also has Search input and a simplified Search Results page.
  • The totally disabled/non-work intended areas are : ACP, Mod CP, Calendar, Memberlist, Any other awesome mod.
  • Can show poll results on the Display as well as allows polling.
  • Contains hard-coded menu, doesn't use the Subs.php data.
  • Contains a stripped down Profile area, only having Summary, Forum Profile and Account Settings
  • Contains full PM area
  • Contains unread/updated topic templates as well as register templates
  • Anything else that I may have missed to list also applies and exists ( :P ).

NOTE : This is my FIRST ever theme that I ever made, I was scared as a chicken to do this. So please excuse me for any disasters.

Changelog :
Version 0.1
- Initial Private release

Version 0.2
! Current message wasn't showing up while editing a message (Post.template.php)
* Removed "IP Logged" for those who cannot view the IP (Display.template.php)
+ Added Personal Message template (PersonalMessage.template.php)
+ Added Profile template (Profile.template.php)
* Stripped down topic.js to the minimum (topic.js)
* Removed Category collapse feature (BoardIndex.template.php)
* Removed Login boxes from the top and added a login link (index.template.php)
+ Added Login template (Login.template.php)
+ Added template for splitting and merging topics (SplitTopics.template.php)
+ Added template for moving topics (MoveTopic.template.php)

Version 0.3
* Changed the reply heading in Display, now it shows a simplyified version(No icon or subject) on replies (Display.template.php)
+ Added and finished Register template
+ Added and finished Updated/Unread topics template

Version 1.0
+ Added code for removing panels from portals(Currently only supports PortaMX, SP and TP)
+ Finished up mod for mobile detection
+ Added link to full site
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