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First Created
February 08, 2020, 04:40:17 AM
Last Updated
March 01, 2022, 03:10:04 PM

Ant's Mutant Curve v1.07

A heavily customised and responsive version of Curve.
Compatible With 2.0.18
Latest version v1.07
Downloads 1,559
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 5
License (View License)
This is the monster that evolved from an apparently simple question:
Has anyone improved /main_block.png to have transparent rounded edges?

The short version is that it's Curve, but substantially revamped to be responsive everywhere, without relying on any frameworks or libraries that SMF 2.0.x does not call by default.

Like the original Curve it comes with full support for RTL languages. It also has some custom functionality, and minimal use of images.

Do note that the reworking required for this result may mean that not all mods will install without manual editing.

Note: The 1.0.7 version of this theme implements changes that are necessary to support SMF 2.0.18.

If you are running an earlier version of this theme with SMF 2.0.18, it is recommended that you update the theme to version 1.0.7

If anyone cannot upgrade for some reason (customisations, etc) and would like me to write a 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 patch for them, that can be done.

The edits required for supporting 2.0.18 are not difficult, and only affect script.js and Search.template.php. They are highly unlikely to affect any customisations that anyone might have done.

If you have not modified either of these files, you could implement the changes by simply copying the 1.0.7 versions to your earlier version of the theme.

04/02/2021 - New 1.0.7 zip uploaded. Implements required changes for 2.0.18.
30/10/2020 - New 1.0.6 zip uploaded. Fix for bug with login button.
01/03/2020 - New 1.0.5 zip uploaded. Fix for minor 2.0.x bug (only relevant if registration is disabled).
27/02/2020 - New 1.0.4 zip uploaded. Gremlins critically endangered. WWF Concerned.
26/02/2020 - New 1.0.3 zip uploaded, now with hardly any gremlins!
24/02/2020 - New 1.0.2 zip uploaded, now with fewer gremlins!
23/02/2020 - New 1.0.1 zip uploaded, hopefully sans gremlins.
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