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Additional Info |
Color style
Package ID
smf:blue evolution
First Created
July 11, 2021, 02:16:49 PM
Last Updated
August 19, 2023, 11:23:39 PM
Bug Fix : The category description will now adjust based on how long the category title is.
Adjustment : Adjusted the background color for a sticky locked topic.
Adjustment : Adjusted the border color for .children to match the rest of the board index.
Adjustment : Adjusted the border colors for the SMF announcement area in the admin center.
Adjustment : Updated the font color and background color of the new post icon in the message index.
Adjustment : Fixed the Code Box and Quote Box colors to match the theme
Adjustment : Adjusted the color of the borders in the recent posts section.
Adjustment : Adjusted the color of the subject title link.
Update : Updated for SMF 2.1.0
Adjustment : Updated the menu colors
Adjustment : Updated some link colors and text colors for various areas.
Adjustment : Updated the board icons.
Adjustment: Updated the board stats section and the footer copyright.
Adjustment : Adjusted the a:link colors.
Adjustment : Adjusted the quick buttons colors.
Adjustment : Adjusted the text color in many areas for visibility purposes.
Update : Updated the main menus look. Now has separators in-between the links, much like the original Blue Evolution for 2.0.
Bug Fix : Fixed the tool tip colors that show when hovering over a topic title.
Adjustment: Updated the calendar colors.
Adjustment : Adjusted the recent posts section of the info center to show less information on
smaller screen devices.
Adjustment : Tweaked the colors of nested quotes and the admin tooltips.
Adjustment : Adjusted the PM Pop Up window colors.
Adjustment : Fixed alert box text colors for better legibility.
Update : Updated for SMF 2.1.3
Adjustment: Adjusted colors for some Admin CP sections, SCEdtior Quote & Code box colors.
Clean Up: Got rid of UN-needed files to reduce theme package size.
Updated for SMF 2.1.4 and the Attachment UI changes.
Adjustment: Adjusted the calendar section of the info center to align with everything else.
Adjustment: Adjusted the background image for admin menu and generic menu to match the rest of the theme.
Adjustment: Adjusted the background colors for various moderation specific styles.
Adjustment: Adjusted the way background colors were set for the main menu and popup windows.
Adjustment: Adjusted the background color of the new post indicator in normal and hover status.
Adjustment: Adjusted the footer background color.
Bug Fix : Fixed a bug where the mobile menu would appear automatically.
Adjustment: Adjusted some border colors in the ACP.
Adjustment: Adjusted the text color for progress bars.
Adjustment: Adjusted the link colors in the user panel.
485.05 KB