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First Created
October 09, 2021, 07:23:44 PM
Last Updated
February 21, 2022, 09:11:08 AM

Envy v1.1

Envy 2.1 [Responsive]
Compatible With 2.1.1
Latest version v1.1
Downloads 859
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 1
License (View License)

Meet Envy! A sweet responsive 2.1 theme for your SMF installation. Has your social media follow buttons, Custom Top links, Jumbotron to promote topics, Responsive Footer Links with About Us slot, awesome design and minimal.

*Flexbox BoardIndex.
*Click to expand Board Index to view board stats, Last post and child boards.
*Custom icon placement for your forum Title name via FontAwesome.
*Custom top links for extra pages.
*Custom footer for extra pages.
*Smooth scroll up.
*re-designed Member list template.
*Jumbotron to promote topics or whatever else comes to mind.
*All features inside Theme Options.
*Yup. Responsive.

Our style is clean, flat and professional. When you see our design out there, you'll know where it came from,


Jumbotron image courtesy of
572.29 KB v1.1
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