Additional Info
Color style
Package ID
First Created
August 22, 2007, 10:46:22 AM
Last Updated
April 11, 2008, 06:54:22 AM


Aswesome Gaming theme Designed for Both SMF and SMF/TP same files used. Support for multiple Mods]
Compatible With 1.1.3, 1.1.4
Downloads 5,689
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 4
License (View License)
Aswesome Gaming theme Designed for Both SMF and SMF/TP same files used.

Support for Installed Modifications by Bloc & StormLrd

PLEASE TAKE NOTE! This theme only Supports already installed Modifications to your Forum, It does NOT install them. Bugs inherit in any modifications are not corrected by theme, ONLY Template files in Theme are bug free.
(If error log has bugs on default theme they will still be present in this theme if that modification is enabled!)

Support for TinyPortal 0.9.8 mod?
If TP installed and enabled use Top Downloads in bottom left block?
Recent Posts will be shown otherwise.
Support for SMF Arcade 2.0.9 mod? Modified Versions of Arcade
Support for Fel's Blog mod(FelBlog for SMF, Version: 0.940)? {9.2alpha not supported}
If enabled, show Blog stats on Board Index.
Support for SMF Bookmarks mod?
Support for SMF User Email System mod?
Support for SMF Contact Page mod?
Support for MemberGroup Color Legend Mod?
Support for PayPal Donations mod?
Support for Ultimate Shoutbox 1.40 mod?
Support for Ad Management 2.3 mod?
Support for Users Online Today mod?
Support for Googlebots & Spiders 2.0.3 mod?
Support for Global Announcements 1.0 mod?
Support for SMF Shop 3.0 mod?
Support for SMF Links mod?
Support for SMF Staff mod?
Support for Visual Warning mod?

Store Mod installed?

Support for SMF Store mod?
What Store Items Do you want to show?
What Location do you wish them placed.
How many Store Items do you want to show?
Set to zero to not show any.

Gallery Mod installed?

Support for SMF Gallery Lite 1.7.x mod or SMF Gallery Pro 1.3?
Support for SMF Gallery Titles on Board Index Add-on (titles)? Warning: Does not work on Lite version!
Support for SMF Gallery Recent Comments Board Index Add-on? Warning: Does not work on Lite version!
Show user gallery link in posts? Warning: Does not work on Lite version!

Theme Specific Gallery Settings

Will not work without Gallery Mod installed.
Number of recent gallery image titles to display on board index:
To disable the recent gallery titles bar set this value to zero.
Will not display if no pics uploaded, recent pics mod on boardindex addon must be installed.
Number of recent gallery comments to display on board index:
To disable the recent gallery comments bar set this value to zero.
Will not display if no comments have been made, recent comments mod on boardindex addon must be installed.
Which Images do you want to display? (will not work with Lite version!)
What Location do you wish them placed.
How many Gallery Images do you want to show?
How many Gallery Images do you want to show?
Set the max width of thumbnails to be displayed.
Default max-width is 70px the px suffix is auto added please post number only.
Set the max height of thumbnails to be displayed.
Default max-height is 75px the px suffix is auto added please post number only.

Custom Pages by Bloc

Enable Custom Pages?
Custom pages
use the form: file[.template],title,type where type can be 1.) page or 2.) link. Use "link" for a regualr link, "page" for a custom template file.

Flash Menu Addon for TP - Use Flash Navigation Menu instead of standard TinyPortal Menubox
Flash Menu takes headers and links directly from menubox settings, spaces are ignored, links all open in same window only the first 3 headers will be seen, and only the first 9 links under those headers will be seen, all else will be ignored.

Flash Menu Addon for SMF alone - Use Flash Navigation Menu Block on all pages left of index
Flash Menu not used with TP is configurableable through current theme settings, 27 possible links 3 possible categories.

Demo of SMF and TP:

Zero Errors with all mods properly installed!

Tested in: FireFox, IE7, Advant, Opera, Netscape, and Safari, compatibility 100%

Support Given at:
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