Additional Info
Color style
First Created
July 04, 2006, 04:03:52 PM
Last Updated
July 11, 2006, 10:22:19 AM


Warm & Relaxing
Compatible With 1.1 RC2
Downloads 8,265
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 1
License (View License)
This theme takes you to the sea side with its warm and relaxing colors blended to create a nice water like flow. I have changed the index to work with this theme, all Images except those most commonly used in the forums I custom made to use with smf. Please read the .txt file inclosed. ;) Enjoy this fine creation, TT

If header image loads slowly please download this replacement hb2.jpg you will need to edit image suffix from .png to .jpg in your index.template.php sorry for any incovienence
972.44 KB
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