Update to SMF 1.0.17 - Installation Instructions for 1.0.16

Update to SMF 1.0.17
This patch file will update your forum to SMF 1.0.17.

File Edits ALT + Click to collapse all the operations


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.16 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
$forum_version = 'SMF 1.0.16';
Replace With: Select
$forum_version = 'SMF 1.0.17';


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.12 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
SELECT ID_ATTACH, ID_MSG, filename, IFNULL(size, 0) AS filesize, downloads
Replace With: Select
SELECT ID_ATTACH, ID_MSG, filename, file_hash, IFNULL(size, 0) AS filesize, downloads
Find: Select
Replace With: Select
SELECT filename, ID_ATTACH, file_hash
Find: Select
SELECT a.filename, a.ID_ATTACH
Replace With: Select
SELECT a.filename, a.ID_ATTACH, a.file_hash
Find: Select
list ($real_filename, $ID_ATTACH) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
Replace With: Select
list ($real_filename, $ID_ATTACH, $file_hash) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
Find: Select
$filename = getAttachmentFilename($real_filename, $_REQUEST['id']);
Replace With: Select
$filename = getAttachmentFilename($real_filename, $_REQUEST['id'], false, $file_hash);
Find: Select
if (filesize($filename) != 0)
Replace With: Select
// IE 6 just doesn't play nice. As dirty as this seems, it works.
if ($context['browser']['is_ie6'] && isset($_REQUEST['image']))

elseif (filesize($filename) != 0)
Find: Select
6 => 'bmp',
Replace With: Select
6 => 'x-ms-bmp',
Find: Select
if (!empty($size['mime']))
header('Content-Type: ' . $size['mime']);
Replace With: Select
if (!empty($size['mime']) && !in_array($size[2], array(4, 13)))
header('Content-Type: ' . strtr($size['mime'], array('image/bmp' => 'image/x-ms-bmp')));
Find: Select
$filename = getAttachmentFilename($attachment['filename'], $attachment['ID_ATTACH']);
Replace With: Select
$filename = getAttachmentFilename($attachment['filename'], $attachment['ID_ATTACH'], false, $attachment['file_hash']);


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.14 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
// If this is the theme_dir of the default theme, store it.
Replace With: Select
// There are just things we shouldn't be able to change as members.
if ($row['ID_MEMBER'] != 0 && in_array($row['variable'], array('actual_theme_url', 'actual_images_url', 'base_theme_dir', 'base_theme_url', 'default_images_url', 'default_theme_dir', 'default_theme_url', 'default_template', 'images_url', 'number_recent_posts', 'smiley_sets_default', 'theme_dir', 'theme_id', 'theme_layers', 'theme_templates', 'theme_url')))

// If this is the theme_dir of the default theme, store it.


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.12 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
SELECT a.filename, a.ID_ATTACH" . ($query_type == 'messages' ? ', m.ID_MSG' : ', a.ID_MSG') . "
Replace With: Select
SELECT a.filename, a.ID_ATTACH, file_hash" . ($query_type == 'messages' ? ', m.ID_MSG' : ', a.ID_MSG') . "
Find: Select
// Figure out the "encrypted" filename and unlink it ;).
@unlink(getAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $row['ID_ATTACH']));
Replace With: Select
// Figure out the "encrypted" filename and unlink it ;).
@unlink(getAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $row['ID_ATTACH'], false, $row['file_hash']));
Find: Select
SELECT ID_ATTACH, ID_MSG, ID_MEMBER, filename, IFNULL(size, 0) AS size, downloads
Replace With: Select
SELECT ID_ATTACH, ID_MSG, ID_MEMBER, filename, file_hash, IFNULL(size, 0) AS size, downloads
Find: Select
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request))
$filename = getAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $row['ID_ATTACH']);
Replace With: Select
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request))
$filename = getAttachmentFilename($row['filename'], $row['ID_ATTACH'], false, $row['file_hash']);


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.10 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
array('check', 'attachmentShowImages'),
array('check', 'attachmentEncryptFilenames'),
Replace With: Select
array('check', 'attachmentShowImages'),


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.16 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
$default_author = $listing->fetch('default-author');
Replace With: Select
$default_author = htmlspecialchars($listing->fetch('default-author'));
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
$default_title = $listing->fetch('default-website/@title');
Replace With: Select
$default_title = htmlspecialchars($listing->fetch('default-website/@title'));
Find: Select
if (in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'heading', 'text', 'rule')))
$package['name'] = $thisPackage->fetch('.');
Replace With: Select
if (in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'heading', 'text', 'rule')))
$package['name'] = htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('.'));
Find: Select
$package['name'] = $thisPackage->fetch('.');
$package['link'] = '<a href="' . $package['href'] . '">' . $package['name'] . '</a>';
Replace With: Select
$package['name'] = htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('.'));
$package['link'] = '<a href="' . $package['href'] . '">' . $package['name'] . '</a>';
Find: Select
if ($package['description'] == '')
$package['description'] = $txt['pacman8'];
Replace With: Select
if ($package['description'] == '')
$package['description'] = $txt['pacman8'];
$package['description'] = parse_bbc(preg_replace('~\[[/]?html\]~i', '', htmlspecialchars($package['description'])));
Find: Select
$package['href'] = $url . '/' . $package['filename'];
Replace With: Select
$package['href'] = $url . '/' . $package['filename'];
$package['name'] = htmlspecialchars($package['name']);
Find: Select
$package['author']['email'] = $thisPackage->fetch('author/@email');
Replace With: Select
$package['author']['email'] = htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('author/@email'));
Find: Select
$package['author']['name'] = $thisPackage->fetch('author');
Replace With: Select
$package['author']['name'] = htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('author'));
Find: Select
$package['author']['website']['name'] = $thisPackage->fetch('website/@title');
elseif (isset($default_title))
$package['author']['website']['name'] = $default_title;
elseif ($thisPackage->exists('website'))
$package['author']['website']['name'] = $thisPackage->fetch('website');
Replace With: Select
$package['author']['website']['name'] = htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('website/@title'));
elseif (isset($default_title))
$package['author']['website']['name'] = $default_title;
elseif ($thisPackage->exists('website'))
$package['author']['website']['name'] = htmlspecialchars($thisPackage->fetch('website'));


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.13 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
// Remove special foreign characters from the filename.
if (empty($modSettings['attachmentEncryptFilenames']))
$_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] = getAttachmentFilename($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n], false, true);
Replace With: Select
// Remove special foreign characters from the filename.
if (empty($_FILES['attachment']['file_hash'][$n]))
$_FILES['attachment']['file_hash'][$n] = getAttachmentFilename($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n], false, true);
Find: Select
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments
(" . (!empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? 'ID_MSG, ' : '') . "filename, size)
VALUES (" . (!empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['msg'] . ', ' : '') . "'" . $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] . "', " . $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n] . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__);
$attachID = db_insert_id();
$attachIDs[] = $attachID;

$destName = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . getAttachmentFilename($destName, $attachID, true);
Replace With: Select
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments
(" . (!empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? 'ID_MSG, ' : '') . "filename, file_hash, size)
VALUES (" . (!empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['msg'] . ', ' : '') . "'" . $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] . "', '" . $_FILES['attachment']['file_hash'][$n] . "', " . $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n] . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__);
$attachID = db_insert_id();
$attachIDs[] = $attachID;

$destName = getAttachmentFilename($destName, $attachID, false, $_FILES['attachment']['file_hash'][$n]);


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.14 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
// These are the theme changes...
Replace With: Select
$reservedVars = array(

// Can't change reserved vars.
if ((isset($_POST['options']) && array_intersect(array_keys($_POST['options']), $reservedVars) != array()) || (isset($_POST['default_options']) && array_intersect(array_keys($_POST['default_options']), $reservedVars) != array()))

// These are the theme changes...
Find: Select
$extensions = array(
Replace With: Select
// Though not an exhaustive list, better safe than sorry.
$fp = fopen($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], 'rb');
if (!$fp)

// Now try to find an infection.
while (!feof($fp))
if (preg_match('~(iframe|\\<\\?php|\\<\\?[\s=]|\\<%[\s=]|html|eval|body|script\W)~', fgets($fp, 4096)) === 1)
if (file_exists($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID))
@unlink($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/avatar_tmp_' . $memID);


$extensions = array(
Find: Select
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments
(ID_MEMBER, filename, size)
VALUES ($memID, '$destName', " . filesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']) . ")", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$attachID = db_insert_id();
$destName = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $destName;

if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $destName))

// Attempt to chmod it.
@chmod($destName, 0644);
Replace With: Select
$file_hash = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? getAttachmentFilename($destName, false, true) : '';

INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments
(ID_MEMBER, filename, file_hash, size)
VALUES ($memID, '$destName', '" . (empty($file_hash) ? "" : "$file_hash") . "', " . filesize($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']) . ")", __FILE__, __LINE__);
$attachID = db_insert_id();

$destName = $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . (empty($file_hash) ? $destName : $attachID . '_' . $file_hash);

if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], $destName))
removeAttachments('a.ID_MEMBER = ' . $memID);

// Attempt to chmod it.
@chmod($destName, 0644);


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.15 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.16|192\.168|255|127\.0)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) == 0)
Replace With: Select
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) && preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']) == 0)
Find: Select
if (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.16|192\.168|255|127\.0)\.|unknown)~', $ip) != 0)
Replace With: Select
if (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $ip) != 0)
Find: Select
elseif (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.16|192\.168|255|127\.0)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) == 0)
Replace With: Select
elseif (preg_match('~^((0|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])|192\.168|255|127)\.|unknown)~', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) == 0)


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.14 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
// Register them into the database.
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}members
Replace With: Select
$reservedVars = array(

// Can't change reserved vars.
if (array_intersect(array_keys($theme_vars), $reservedVars) != array())

// Register them into the database.
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}members


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.16 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
if (isset($_GET['confirm']) && isset($_SESSION['confirm_' . $action]) && md5($_GET['confirm'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) !== $_SESSION['confirm_' . $action])
return true;

$token = md5(mt_rand() . session_id() . (string) microtime() . $modSettings['rand_seed']);
$_SESSION['confirm_' . $action] = md5($token, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
Replace With: Select
if (isset($_GET['confirm']) && isset($_SESSION['confirm_' . $action]) && md5($_GET['confirm'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) == $_SESSION['confirm_' . $action])
return true;

$token = md5(mt_rand() . session_id() . (string) microtime() . $modSettings['rand_seed']);
$_SESSION['confirm_' . $action] = md5($token . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.14 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
echo '
<span class="smalltext" style="display: inline; visibility: visible; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;">';
Replace With: Select
// Lewis Media no longer holds the copyright.
$forum_copyright = str_replace(array('Lewis Media', 'href="http://www.lewismedia.com/"', '2001-'), array('Simple Machines LLC', 'href="http://www.simplemachines.org/about/copyright.php" title="Free Forum Software"', ''), $forum_copyright);

echo '
<span class="smalltext" style="display: inline; visibility: visible; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;">';
Find: Select
The administrator doesn\'t want a copyright notice saying this is copyright 2001-2005 by <a href="http://www.lewismedia.com/" target="_blank">Lewis Media</a>, and named <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/">SMF</a>, so the forum will honor this request.';
Replace With: Select
<div style="white-space: normal;">The administrator doesn\'t want a copyright notice saying this is copyright 2006 - 2009 by <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/about/copyright.php" target="_blank">Simple Machines LLC</a>, and named <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/">SMF</a>, so the forum will honor this request and be quiet.</div>';
Find: Select
elseif ((strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" onclick="this.href += \'referer.php?forum=' . urlencode($context['forum_name'] . '|' . $boardurl . '|' . $forum_version) . '\';" target="_blank">SMF') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank">SMF') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" title="Simple Machines Forum" target="_blank">SMF') !== false) && (strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.lewismedia.com/">Lewis Media</a>') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.lewismedia.com/" target="_blank">Lewis Media</a>') !== false))
$found = true;
echo $forum_copyright;
Replace With: Select
elseif (isset($modSettings['copyright_key']) && sha1($modSettings['copyright_key'] . 'banjo') == '1d01885ece7a9355bdeb22ed107f0ffa8c323026'){$found = true; return;}elseif ((strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" title="Simple Machines Forum" target="_blank">Powered by SMF') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" onclick="this.href += \'referer.php?forum=' . urlencode($context['forum_name'] . '|' . $boardurl . '|' . $forum_version) . '\';" target="_blank">SMF') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" target="_blank">SMF') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" title="Simple Machines Forum" target="_blank">SMF') !== false)&&((strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/about/copyright.php" title="Free Forum Software" target="_blank">SMF &copy;') !== false && (strpos($forum_copyright, 'Lewis Media</a>') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, 'Simple Machines LLC</a>') !== false)) || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.lewismedia.com/">Lewis Media</a>') !== false || strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.lewismedia.com/" target="_blank">Lewis Media</a>') !== false || (strpos($forum_copyright, '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/about/copyright.php"') !== false && strpos($forum_copyright, 'Simple Machines LLC') !== false))){$found = true; echo $forum_copyright;}
Find: Select
// Get an attachment's encrypted filename. If $new is true, won't check for file existence.
function getAttachmentFilename($filename, $attachment_id, $new = false)
Replace With: Select
// Get an attachment's encrypted filename. If $new is true, won't check for file existence.
function getAttachmentFilename($filename, $attachment_id, $new = false, $file_hash = '')
global $modSettings, $db_prefix;

// Just make up a nice hash...
if ($new)
return sha1(md5($filename . time()) . mt_rand());

// Grab the file hash if it wasn't added.
if ($file_hash === '')
$request = db_query("
SELECT file_hash
FROM {$db_prefix}attachments
WHERE ID_ATTACH = " . (int) $attachment_id, __FILE__, __LINE__);

if (mysql_num_rows($request) === 0)
return false;

list ($file_hash) = mysql_fetch_row($request);


// In case of files from the old system, do a legacy call.
if (empty($file_hash))
return getLegacyAttachmentFilename($filename, $attachment_id, $new);

return $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachment_id . '_' . $file_hash;

function getLegacyAttachmentFilename($filename, $attachment_id, $new = false)


Find: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.10 *
Replace With: Select
* Software Version: SMF 1.0.17 *
Find: Select
* Copyright 2006 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Replace With: Select
* Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
Find: Select
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments
(ID_MEMBER, filename, size)
VALUES ($memID, '$destName', 1)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Replace With: Select

$avatar_hash = empty($modSettings['custom_avatar_enabled']) ? getAttachmentFilename($destName, false, true) : '';

INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}attachments
(ID_MEMBER, filename, file_hash, size)
VALUES ($memID, '$destName', '" . (empty($avatar_hash) ? "" : "$avatar_hash") . "', 1)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Find: Select
if (rename($destName . '.tmp', $destName))
// Write filesize in the database.
UPDATE {$db_prefix}attachments
SET size = " . filesize($destName) . "
Replace With: Select
if (rename($destName . '.tmp', empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash))
// Write filesize in the database.
UPDATE {$db_prefix}attachments
SET size = " . filesize(empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash) . "


Find: Select
// Version: 1.0.1; index
Replace With: Select
// Version: 1.0.17; index
Find: Select
$forum_copyright = $context['forum_name'] . ' | Powered by <a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" title="Simple Machines Forum" target="_blank">' . $forum_version . '</a>.<br />
&copy; 2001-2005, <a href="http://www.lewismedia.com/" target="_blank">Lewis Media</a>. All Rights Reserved.';
Replace With: Select
$forum_copyright = '<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/" title="Simple Machines Forum" target="_blank">Powered by ' . $forum_version . '</a> |
<a href="http://www.simplemachines.org/about/copyright.php" title="Free Forum Software" target="_blank">SMF &copy; 2006-2009, Simple Machines LLC</a>';


This operation isn't vital to the installation of this mod.
Find: Select

Replace With: Select

RemoveHandler .php .php3 .phtml .cgi .fcgi .pl .fpl .shtml


This file should be able to execute standalone.