Changelog started January 1, 2004; Currently at $Revision: 1.1040.2.323 $.
Changelog started January 1, 2004; Currently at $Revision: 1.1040.2.329 $.
SMF 1.0.4 June 6, 2005
June 2005:
! Fixed some parsing problems that could lead to injection holes in IE. (Subs.php)
* Added an update window in the admin area, to inform users when new updates become available. (Admin template)
& Added two new language entries for the above change. (Admin language files)
April 2005:
! Try harder to get the birthdate right. (yabb_to_smf.php)
! Add attachment converting support. (yabb_to_smf.php)
* Even when one avatar directory has a name similar to another one, keep the files in the right places. (Profile template)
March 2005:
! Don't choke and die if the Settings.php file isn't writable when sending an error message. (Admin.php)
Changelog started with SMF 1.0 RC1; Currently at $Revision: $.
Changelog started with SMF 1.0 RC1; Currently at $Revision: $.
SMF 1.0.4
Template changes:
* Admin: medium importance.
- for displaying a notice when a new update becomes available, lines 80-90 and 213-260
Language file changes:
* Admin
- Added two language strings 'update_available' and 'update_message' for the new
update warning window.
// A named email address. [[email protected]]me[/email]
'~\[email=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/email\]~ie' => isset($disabled['email']) ? '$2 ($1)' : '\'<a href="mailto:$1">\' . preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\])~\', \'\', strtr(\'$2\', array(\'@\' => \'@\'))) . \'</a>\'',
// Find an inside link. (named?) ie. [iurl][/iurl]
'~\[iurl=([^\]]+?)\]([^\[\]]+?)\[/iurl\]~i' => isset($disabled['iurl']) ? (!isset($disabled['url']) ? '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$2</a>' : '$2 ($1)') : '<a href="$1">$2</a>',
'~\[iurl=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/iurl\]~ie' => isset($disabled['iurl']) ? (!isset($disabled['url']) ? '\'<a href="$1" target="_blank">\' . preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', strtr(\'$2\', array(\'@\' => \'@\'))) . \'</a>\'' : 'preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', \'$2\') . \' ($1)\'') : '\'<a href="$1">\' . preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', strtr(\'$2\', array(\'@\' => \'@\'))) . \'</a>\'',
'~\[iurl\](.+?)\[/iurl\]~i' => isset($disabled['iurl']) ? (!isset($disabled['url']) ? '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>' : '$1') : '<a href="$1">$1</a>',
// FTP link. Named...? []Sourceforge[/ftp]
'~\[ftp\](.+?)\[/ftp\]~ie' => isset($disabled['ftp']) ? 'preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', \'$1\')' : '\'<a href="$1" target="_blank">\' . preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', strtr(\'$1\', array(\'@\' => \'@\'))) . \'</a>\'',
'~\[ftp=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/ftp\]~ie' => isset($disabled['ftp']) ? 'preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', \'$2\') . \' ($1)\'' : '\'<a href="$1" target="_blank">\' . preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', strtr(\'$2\', array(\'@\' => \'@\'))) . \'</a>\'',
// Find a (named?) URL... [url][/url] or []SMF[/url]
'~\[url=([^\]]+?)\]([^\]]*?\[url(?:=[^\]]+?)?\].+?\[/url\].*?)\[/url\]~ie' => isset($disabled['url']) ? 'preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', \'$2\') . \' ($1)\'' : '\'<a href="$1" target="_blank">\' . preg_replace(\'~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~\', \'\', strtr(\'$2\', array(\'@\' => \'@\'))) . \'</a>\'',
'~\[url=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]~ie' => isset($disabled['url']) ? '\'$2 ($1)\'' : '\'<a href="$1" target="_blank">\' . strtr(\'$2\', array(\'@\' => \'@\')) . \'</a>\'',
'~\[url\](?:<br />)*(.+?)(?:<br />)*\[/url\]~i' => isset($disabled['url']) ? '$1' : '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>',
// A named email address. [[email protected]]me[/email] And, you can't have []s in your email, I should know.
'~\[email=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/email\]~ie' => isset($disabled['email']) ? '"$2 ($1)"' : '"<a href=\"mailto:" . strtr("$1", array("\"" => """, "]" => "", "[" => "")) . "\">" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\])~i", "", strtr("$2", array("@" => "@"))) . "</a>"',
// An image. Width and height can be are optional.
'~\[img(\s+width=([\d]+))?(\s+height=([\d]+))?\s*\](?:<br />)*(.+?)(?:<br />)*\[/img\]~ie' => isset($disabled['img']) ? 'preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$5", array("@" => "@")))' : '"<img src=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$5", array("@" => "@", "\"" => """))) . "\" alt=\"\"" . ("$2" != "" ? " width=\"$2\"" : "") . ("$4" != "" ? " height=\"$4\"" : "") . " border=\"0\" />"',
// Find an inside link. (named?) ie. [iurl][/iurl]
'~\[iurl=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/iurl\]~ie' => isset($disabled['iurl']) ? (!isset($disabled['url']) ? '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$2", array("@" => "@"))) . "</a>"' : 'preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", "$2") . " ($1)"') : '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\">" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$2", array("@" => "@"))) . "</a>"',
'~\[iurl\](.+?)\[/iurl\]~ie' => isset($disabled['iurl']) ? (!isset($disabled['url']) ? '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>"' : '"$1"') : '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[iurl.*?\]|\[/iurl\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\">$1</a>"',
// FTP link. Named...? []Sourceforge[/ftp]
'~\[ftp\](.+?)\[/ftp\]~ie' => isset($disabled['ftp']) ? 'preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", "$1")' : '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array("@" => "@"))) . "</a>"',
'~\[ftp=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/ftp\]~ie' => isset($disabled['ftp']) ? 'preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", "$2") . " ($1)"' : '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[ftp.*?\]|\[/ftp\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$2", array("@" => "@"))) . "</a>"',
// Find a (named?) URL... [url][/url] or []SMF[/url]
'~\[url=([^:\]]+?)\]([^\]]*?\[url(?:=[^\]]+?)?\].+?\[/url\].*?)\[/url\]~ie' => isset($disabled['url']) ? 'preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~i", "", "$2") . " ($1)"' : '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\])~i", "", strtr("$2", array("@" => "@"))) . "</a>"',
'~\[url=(.+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]~ie' => isset($disabled['url']) ? '"$2 ($1)"' : '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . strtr("$2", array("@" => "@")) . "</a>"',
'~\[url\](?:<br />)*(.+?)(?:<br />)*\[/url\]~ie' => isset($disabled['url']) ? '"$1"' : '"<a href=\"" . preg_replace("~(\[url.*?\]|\[/url\]|\[img.*?\]|\[/img\]|\[email.*?\]|\[/email\])~i", "", strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """))) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$1</a>"',
'~\[/quote\](?:<br />)?~i' => isset($disabled['quote']) ? '</div>' : '</div>',
// An image. Width and height can be are optional.
'~\[img(\s+width=([\d]+))?(\s+height=([\d]+))?\s*\](?:<br />)*(.+?)(?:<br />)*\[/img\]~ei' => isset($disabled['img']) ? '\'$5\'' : '\'<img src="$5" alt=""\' . (\'$2\' != \'\' ? \' width="$2"\' : \'\') . (\'$4\' != \'\' ? \' height="$4"\' : \'\') . \' border="0" />\'',
'~\[/quote\](?:<br />)?~i' => isset($disabled['quote']) ? '</div>' : '</div>',
'~\[email\](?:<br />)*(.+?)(?:<br />)*\[/email\]~i' => isset($disabled['email']) ? '$1' : '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>',
'~\[email\](?:<br />)*(.+?)(?:<br />)*\[/email\]~ie' => isset($disabled['email']) ? '"$1"' : '"<a href=\"mailto:" . strtr("$1", array(":" => ":", "\"" => """, "[" => "", "]" => "")) . "\">$1</a>"',
'~\[abbr=((?:")?)(.+?)\\1\](.+?)\[/abbr\]~i' => isset($disabled['abbr']) ? '$3 ($2)' : '<abbr title="$2">$3</abbr>',
'~\[acronym=((?:")?)(.+?)\\1\](.+?)\[/acronym\]~i' => isset($disabled['acronym']) ? '$3 ($2)' : '<acronym title="$2">$3</acronym>',
'~\[abbr=((?:")?)(.+?)\\1\](.+?)\[/abbr\]~ie' => isset($disabled['abbr']) ? '"$3 ($2)"' : '"<abbr title=\"" . strtr("$2", array("\"" => """)) . "\">$3</abbr>"',
'~\[acronym=((?:")?)(.+?)\\1\](.+?)\[/acronym\]~ie' => isset($disabled['acronym']) ? '"$3 ($2)"' : '"<acronym title=\"" . strtr("$2", array("\"" => """)) . "\">$3</acronym>"',
// Handle flash.
$codefromcache[] = '~\[flash=(\d+),(\d+)\](?:<br />)*([^<>]+?)(?:<br />)*\[/flash\]~i';
if (empty($modSettings['enableEmbeddedFlash']) || isset($disabled['flash']))
$codetocache[] = isset($disabled['url']) ? '$3' : '<a href="$3" target="_blank">$3</a>';
$codetocache[] = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="$1" height="$2"><param name="movie" value="$3" /><param name="play" value="true" /><param name="loop" value="true" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="never" /><embed src="$3" width="$1" height="$2" play="true" loop="true" quality="high" AllowScriptAccess="never"></embed></object>';
// Handle flash.
$codefromcache[] = '~\[flash=(\d+),(\d+)\](?:<br />)*([^<>]+?)(?:<br />)*\[/flash\]~ie';
if (empty($modSettings['enableEmbeddedFlash']) || isset($disabled['flash']))
$codetocache[] = isset($disabled['url']) ? '"$3"' : '"<a href=\"" . strtr("$3", array("\"" => """)) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$3</a>"';
// Internet Explorer for Windows.
elseif ($context['browser']['is_ie'] && !$context['browser']['is_mac_ie'])
$codetocache[] = '"<object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" width=\"$1\" height=\"$2\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"" . strtr("$3", array("\"" => """)) . "\" /><param name=\"play\" value=\"true\" /><param name=\"loop\" value=\"true\" /><param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" /><param name=\"AllowScriptAccess\" value=\"never\" /><embed src=\"" . strtr("$3", array("\"" => """)) . "\" width=\"$1\" height=\"$2\" play=\"true\" loop=\"true\" quality=\"high\" AllowScriptAccess=\"never\" /><noembed><a href=\"" . strtr("$3", array("\"" => """)) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$3</a></noembed></object>"';
// Anything else.
$codetocache[] = '"<embed type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\"" . strtr("$3", array("\"" => """)) . "\" width=\"$1\" height=\"$2\" play=\"true\" loop=\"true\" quality=\"high\" AllowScriptAccess=\"never\" /><noembed><a href=\"" . strtr("$3", array("\"" => """)) . "\" target=\"_blank\">$3</a></noembed>"';
echo '
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-top: 1.5ex;"><tr>';
// Is there an update available?
echo '
<div id="update_section" style="display: none;">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="bordercolor" style="margin-top: 1.5ex;" id="update_table">
<tr class="titlebg">
<td id="update_title">', !isset($txt['update_available']) ? 'Update' : $txt['update_available'], '</td>
<td class="windowbg" valign="top" style="padding: 0;">
<div id="update_message" style="font-size: 0.85em; padding: 4px;">', !isset($txt['update_message']) ? '<a href="" id="update-link"></a>' : $txt['update_message'], '</div>
// IE 4 won't like it if you try to change the innerHTML before load...
// Sort out the update window
function smfUpdateAvailable()
var updateBody;
// Nothing to declare?
if (typeof(window.smfUpdatePackage) == "undefined")
updateBody = document.getElementById("update_message");
// Are we setting a custom message?
if (typeof(window.smfUpdateNotice) != "undefined")
setInnerHTML(updateBody, window.smfUpdateNotice);
// Parse in the package download URL if it exists in the string.
document.getElementById("update-link").href = "', $scripturl, '?action=pgdownload;auto;package=" + window.smfUpdatePackage + ";sesc=', $context['session_id'], '";
// If we decide to override life into "red" mode, do it.
if (typeof(window.smfUpdateCritical) != "undefined")
document.getElementById("update_table").style.backgroundColor = "#aa2222";
document.getElementById("update_title").style.backgroundColor = "#dd2222";
document.getElementById("update_title").style.color = "white";
document.getElementById("update_message").style.backgroundColor = "#eebbbb";
document.getElementById("update_message").style.color = "black";
// And we can override the title if we really want.
if (typeof(window.smfUpdateTitle) != "undefined")
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById("update_title"), window.smfUpdateTitle);
// Finally, make the box visible.
document.getElementById("update_section").style.display = "";
$txt['censor_clickadd'] = 'Click here to add another word.';
$txt['update_available'] = 'Update Available!';
$txt['update_message'] = 'You\'re using an outdated version of SMF, which contains some bugs which have since been fixed.
It is recommended that you <a href="" id="update-link">update your forum</a> to the latest version as soon as possible. It only takes a minute!';