Recent Mods
Allows user to include attachments in the content of their post
4,783 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Automatically rotate images to display correctly and/or resize images to reduce image/file size.
2,735 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Custom Image for use with Anti-Spam Verification Questions
1,168 5.0 of 5 Stars5 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Enable membergroup-based signature permissions and extra privileges.
865 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
This mod provides an interface to thank/unthank posts.
707 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0
Thanks feature with the same look, feel and functionality as the default SMF 2.1 'Likes' fea
582 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Thumbnail view of images in Administration Center, Member Profiles and Moderation Center
566 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Mod to allow users to have all topics marked as read when they logout.
529 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Insert an image inline in a message with a single click.
483 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Mod to enable sorting of the options for 'Select Box' and 'Radio Button' custom prof
439 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Add Topic Start Date (with sort option) to Message Index
236 5.0 of 5 Stars5 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Three indent BBC buttons (ie: left side; right side; and both sides) that can used to indent text.
197 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Show last post from the previous page at top of page with/without images and edit options
179 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Add a reply button to every message in a topic.
170 5.0 of 5 Stars5 SMF Versions2.1
Provide confirmation option for boards that redirect to a web address.
169 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Add phpBB-style font size BBcode
167 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Only automatically link basic URLs.
153 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Create Glossary items that are displayed in messages as a keyword tooltip containing the definition.
91 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Add Modify to Quick Buttons menu and optionally remove Quick Edit button.
80 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Adds the option to use classes and styles in hr, img, list, and table tags and adds two new tags.
78 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Allow users to always delete/modify their own posts
69 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Remember message index sort options and list messages using these options after viewing a topic.
66 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.0, 2.1
Keep details of ban triggers and the members who added/removed them for 180 days.
51 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Add setting to allow custom maximum length of Calendar Event Titles of between 20 and 100 characters
35 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Add option to open images in the [img] BBCode in a new tab.
8 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions2.1
Recent Themes
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