Additional Info
Package ID
First Created
May 29, 2007, 09:57:19 PM
Last Updated
February 29, 2008, 09:19:07 PM

Referrals Mod v1.4

A simple referrals (referals) modification (with upto 60 day referral tracking cookie)
Compatible With 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4
Latest version v1.4
Downloads 6,313
Reviews 0
Rating 0/5
Subscribers 3
License (View License)
This mod has been taken over by YodaOfDarkness
The new link for which is

By Karl Benson

A simple referral modification (with upto 60 day referral tracking cookie).

Simply install the package to install this modification on the Default theme.

If your using a non-custom theme I recommend the Modification Parser by Daniel 15 to get the Manual Theme Edits required.

o Adds a referral link to each users profile area
(where 1 is the user id)

o Users can then paste the link to whoever they want to invite - suitable for email, signatures, messengers, webpages, forums etc
o When a guest/visitor uses the referral link a 'tracking' cookie is placed on their computer, so they can browse away from the link and register on your forum upto 60 days later (unless cookies are deleted) with the referral credited to the referring user.

o Adds 2 Referral stats section showing;
:: Top 5 Referrers (By Referrals)
:: Top 5 Referrers (By Referred Members Posts)
:: Daily/Monthly/Yearly Referrals Stats
o Total Referrals of each user shown in the poster information of each post
o Referrals information shown in Profile Summary
::  Shows referral link in profile
::  Showing No. of Referrals
::  Dropdown showing each member user has referred (Linked to the members profile pages)
::  Referral Hits (a.k.a No. of Clicks on your referral link)
o Referred member information also shown in Profile Summary
::  If user was referred, shows the user who referred them and the original date of referral

Please use the modification thread for support with this modification.  (Please don't ask me to do the manual edits for you)

o English / English UTF-8
If you have any translations for any other languages, I would be grateful if you would send them to me via PM or in the Mods topic.

Before you request a crazy feature addition...
... please remember that this is a SIMPLE referral mod. I intend to keep it as simple as possible with only minor tweaks, bug fixes and updates for future SMF version support.

1.0 BETA - 29th May 2007
o Initial release made per SMF user request.
1.1 - 14th June 2007
o Few tweaks - moving it out of BETA
o Wrote out the manual edits
o Improved the readme/documentation for this mod
1.2 - 31st July 2007
o Fixed a stats bug (Reported by Nitins60/Fixed by Lanthan)
1.3 - 6th August 2007
o Fixed XML stats bug (Bugfix provided by Lanthan (thanks again!)
o Fixed stats bug (unfortunately caused some stats bugs)
o Fixed install mysql bug (Reported/BugFix by Lanthan)
o Fixed error referredby (caused when user registered without using referral link)
o Members referral link now shown in an input box to copy
1.4 - 2nd September 2007
o Added - Profile - Selecting a person you referred in the drop down menu will take you to their profile
o Fixed huge stats bar bug
o Added English UTF-8 Support
Manual installation info
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