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Recent Mods
Adds [metacafe] bbcode to embed MetaCafe videos into posts.
35,803 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Automatically email inactive users to try to remind/tempt them to come back. (aka AEIOU mod)
9,235 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Adds a clickable color bar to the post & quick reply areas to insert [color] and [bgcolor] tags
8,820 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Ad Revenue Sharing Mod
8,172 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Topic tagging based on search terms used by visitors on search engines
7,889 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
A simple referrals (referals) modification (with upto 60 day referral tracking cookie)
6,322 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Adds a Wiki BBCode button to insert Wiki BBCode into posts
6,225 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Allows users to reward other users for their posts by buying them a beer (via paypal)
6,165 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Easy Edit Meta Data
5,392 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Integrates Lightbox to overlay images to view
4,902 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Alters the output of the 'code' tag to include links to select all and copy code to clipboard
4,899 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Allows Admins to post as an alternative user eg
4,654 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Alters the behaviour of the Pm Popup to use the CURRENT window & so is not blocked by popupblockers
4,259 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Position your attachments in your post using [attachment=1] bbcode
3,953 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Adds support for google [pagerank][/pagerank] bbcode for use in posts and on users profile
3,779 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Replaces the default text applaud/smite with up/down images.
3,675 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Highlights the search terms/keywords INSIDE the topic in Google-esc variety of colors.
3,620 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Adds support to [mp3tube][/mp3tube] bbcode to show mp3tube content
3,608 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Enables webmasters to make money from Amazon Associates
3,514 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
All internal SMF urls in posts/pms etc to open in the same window rather than a new window.
3,321 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Adds [snapshot] bbcode to be able to show screenshots of websites
2,891 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Enable/disable the ADDING of signature images and links completely OR a min postcount to use them
2,803 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
A modification to FORCE a rel='nofollow' on ALL links in posts.
2,642 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Replaces images in quote blocks with a text string.
2,595 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
All users to embed their ZuneCard into posts/signatures by means of [zunecard][/zunecard] bbcode.
2,423 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Add [justify][/justify] bbcode to justify text.
2,382 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
English (UK & International) (Non-Americanized) Spelling Of Centre & Colour BBCode
2,258 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1, 2.0
Adds [ebaumsworld][/ebaumsworld] bbcode to show Ebaums World clips
2,159 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
A modification for the use of [nofollow][/nofollow] bbcode to create links with rel='no-follow' at
2,079 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Enables [random] bbcode to randomly select one or more items
2,027 0.0 of 5 Stars0 SMF Versions1.1
Recent Themes
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